
Support Aidan O'Brien

Support Aidan O’Brien

Aidan O’Brien was a Consultant Urologist at Craigavon Area Hospital for 28 years. He was a founding Director of CURE (Craigavon Urological Research & Education) in 1995. He was also Lead Clinician of urological cancers for the Southern Trust and for the Northern Ireland Cancer Network from 2012 until 2016. Mr O’Brien retired from practice in July 2020.

On 24 November 2020, Northern Ireland’s health minister, Robin Swann, launched a public inquiry into his clinical practice. Since then, Mr O’Brien has received an enormous amount of support from the public. Many medical professionals have related their positive experiences of working with Mr O’Brien over the years. Similarly, many of his patients have related their positive experiences of being under his care. All have expressed their dismay at recent events and offered their support.

This website has been established as a place for people to express their support; a central platform where people can share their stories, experiences, and sentiments for Mr Aidan O’Brien.

Let’s support this dedicated doctor together.

Support Aidan O’Brien

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