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I would like to congratulate Aidan on his appearance before the Inquiry last week.. it must have been so difficult for him but he handled himself in an exemplary manner ! He was so eloquent, composed and most of all honest !
I am so very proud of my amazing Brother-in Law !
I am also in awe of the strength and resilience of my sister Marita who has supported Aidan every step of the way in this harrowing ordeal for all the family.
I truly hope justice will prevail and the Inquiry will realise that Aidan has always put his patients first and has dedicated his life to improving the life of his patients !
If only more were like him !

Monica McCorry

I believe Aidan has been treated appallingly It is a complete injustice the way management have treated him. I hope we don’t have to wait years for the truth to come out. I believe all the good work he did should be highlighted during the inquiry. Monica McCorry

Tracey Lewis

My daughter was a patient of Mr O Brien. He was the most attentive consultant. On one occasion he walked with us to the X-ray department to seek an appointment. On another he rang New Year’s Eve to follow up on treatment. His patients came first. For a man who gave over and beyond and the work load he appeared to have it would appear the system didn’t support him. I hope all the good is also investigated and sometimes when trying to do too much it’s the management structure supporting that needs to change . I wish for Mr O brien that this is resolved in a fair manner and the amazing surgeon and consultant he is will outshine all else

Patrick Connolly

I was under the care of Mr O Brien many years ago in CAH and I can only describe him as an absolute gentleman who was very professional and a caring consultant.
Sending him prayers and best wishes at this difficult time.

M Connolly

Pure scapegoat for the NHS appalling
God bless u Aidan

Catherine Anne Carson

I’ve worked with Aidan as a colleague for over 25 years. He operated on my father and son and is known as an esteemed surgeon. An excellent surgeon, caring, patient focused and a gentleman.

James Hume

I was referred to Mr O’Brien through a colleague of his who my wife was under during her pregnancies in 1995 & 96. I found him to be a sincere and caring man with enthusiasm for improving men’s urology healthcare. I no longer live in the Craigavon area. However, I was dismayed to see on the news about the accusations against him casting doubt on his professionalism and commitment.
I was glad to find this forum to voice my support for you sir and trust that you will be encouraged to stay strong at this stressful time.

Seán Skeffington

I write as a former patient of Aidan O’Brian to express my support. I found him attentive, caring, understanding, approachable and, very importantly, reassuring. As an in-patient in CAH, I observed him present in the ward early in the morning and still there late in the evening engaging with patients. This was National Health delivery at its most excellent.
I wish him all the best in the current difficult circumstances. 

Mildred McCusker

This is a witch hunt. Mr O Brien treated my father 23 years ago. He was caring professional and always put his patients first.

John Woods

Aidan O’Brien carried out two prostate procedures for me between 2008 & 2015. My doctor recommended Aidan because he was the best surgeon he knew.
I found him very reassuring and he spent endless time explaining the procedure. Over the days following the procedure, while still in hospital he visited me very regularly. I believe I received the best possible treatment and care which was much more than I had expected. This same assurance and attention was given to me by Aidan on my second hospital visit some years later. My wife also attended Aidan O’Brien on a number of occasions and was also very happy and assured by his treatment and attention.
I could not be convinced that a man of such integrity, commitment and honesty would somehow drop those high standards he lived by and allow anyone to feel mistreated or neglected.

Seán Rogers

I was a patient of Mr O’Brien some 16 years ago and thanks to his undoubted skills as a urologist, I am here to tell the tale.
I was so impressed by his professionalism, dedication and bedside manner putting me at ease at what was a difficult time on my health journey. I had the utmost trust and confidence in him and how he treated me me which in turn empowered me to come to terms with my diagnosis and make a full recovery. Thank you Aiden and be assured of my prayers at this difficult time for you and your family .

Monica McCorry

Aidan I am thinking about all the lives you saved and prolonged and hoping you are keeping strong during this very stressful time. Monica McC.

David McClinton

I found Mr.OBrien to be very supportive and friendly.
He even phoned me at home to book an appointment.
We are all capable of making mistakes, yet some forget the great treatment and jump on the bandwagon of attack.

Dr. Sam Dawson

I worked with Aidan for a number of years and found him to be a devoted doctor and highly competent colleague.

-I have a great deal of respect for you Aidan and am so disappointed with the adverse media coverage you have received. I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you and your family. I hope for a speedy resolution for you all.

Canon Frank Kearney

I worked in CAH as Chaplin for over 12 years and during that time I became acquainted with Mr O’Brien. I was always impressed and admired how dedicated and respectful he was to all those who he served. I also experienced this at first hand when I myself became one of his patients. I had the utmost trust and confidence in his professionalism and the manner in which he treated me. My family and I are also indebted to him for the early diagnosis of my brothers illness as he saved his life. It was during this time that Mr O’Brien went beyond the call of duty and made a number of telephone calls to assure our family of his recovery. We deeply appreciate the professional service that he provided us. He did so with humility, care and compassion. Mr O’Brien is in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Canon Frank Kearney.

Barbara Ervine

Aiden I had the pleasure of working with you as a theatre nurse in CAH for 22yrs. You were a true gentleman, treating your theatre nurses as equals in the care you delivered to patients. You were always respectful and appreciative of our role and patients were always the centre of the care we delivered. No one was a number on your list or a procedure name, you knew and cared for them all. God bless you on this unenviable journey to disclose the real reason for this nightmare

Roisin McKernan

I met Mr O’Brien as a patient of his over 10 years ago and he was very professional and put me right at ease.
I now work in the medical field myself in Australia and it is very easy to see that he is being targeted by the trust.
I believe that if a massive audit of any doctor or healthcare professional occurred, comments and criticisms could always be found, as different doctors have different styles of doing things etc. It all comes down to whether the doctor is a good person and truly puts their patients best interests first. There is no doubt that Mr O’Brien put his patients first and the support from his colleagues is also evidence of that too.

Geoffrey Forde

Mr O’Brien cared for me for over 20 years! His care went beyond operations and hospital treatments. He cared for both me and my family. When discharged from hospital regular phone calls where made to make sure everything was as it should me. Mr O’Brien is the best in his profession. So caring and thoughtful towards his patients. I could in no way fault him. He saved my life many many times. I will be forever grateful.


Michèle Mellotte

Fifty years ago, I met Aidan, when we started as medical students. I have been listening to his praises ever since then, from patients and colleagues. There is absolutely No doubt that Aidan O’Brien is the epitome of the perfect doctor, for whom Care, Competence and Compassion are the hallmarks. These qualities are present in abundance. As one of the contributors here has said, “He is one, in ten million”.
There is also NO doubt that he is the victim of a witch hunt. This is disgraceful behaviour by the Health Board, who are trying to destroy his good name, and clinical reputation.
I look forward to the huge apology that will be necessary after these inquiries, private and public are completed. In the meantime, I wish him and his family, the strength to endure this ongoing disgraceful ordeal.

Robert Logan

It would be difficult to summarise the admiration one has for the dedication and skills of Aidan O’Brien. A complete upholder of the attributes that make for a good physician. Dedicated, selfless, helpful and kind he brought to his immensely stressful job qualities that embody the best of humanity. He is deserving and worthy of every support available.

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